Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I’m back

It’s hard to fully express just how bad sleep deprivation is for one’s ability to remember. Last week one of my online friends asked me when I would get back to writing in my blog.  I clicked on my profile and saw a link to a blog that I had completely forgotten about.

So I started reading what I wrote…  It all looked good to me… ok so I noticed a few words missing here and there.  But other than that I’m happy with it.

So here I am again talking to you.  About what it’s like to be a mom while my baby sleeps in my lap. 
But this time the baby in my lap is a little girl.  The little boy from earlier is sitting on the floor telling nursery rimes to his toy dinosaur.

I feel like my ability to focus has gone down while my awareness has gone up.  Which I guess is a good thing as I now have two children to watch over.  Children who will attempt to do very different dangerous things, at random intervals.

My now 3 year-old son will try to climb things he shouldn’t.  And my 8 month old daughter will try to grab things that are not good for someone as young as her.

So right now I don’t know how often I will be able to take the time to type.  But I’m going to give this blog another go and post when I can.  I do enjoy writing these.  Wow… talk about a sentence I never would have seen coming from me when I was child in school.  I’m dyslexic and in elementary school reading and writing were activities that were painful for me.  But by the time I was in high school reading was my favorite form of escapism.  Now that school is behind me I finally want to do what my parents always told me I should do when I was younger, keep a diary. 

The ever constant march of time does a real number on my sense of perspective and motherhood has created a drastic shift in my priorities.

Now I wouldn’t dream of generalizing my experience to everyone.  But I can tell you what I have experienced.  And share my truth with you.

I remember before I had kids a father told me: “All the bad things they say about having kids are true times ten.  But all the good things they say about having kids are true times one-hundred.”  

And I’ve got to say: sometimes, when times are rough it’s hard to even imagine that times were ever good or will be good again.  But when times are good it’s easy to forget that times were ever bad.  

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