Friday, October 30, 2015

No Mommy!

It’s kind of amazing to me just how hard small children will fight against things that are beneficial. 

Neither my son nor daughter wants anything to do with having their noses wiped.  We all have runny noses.  As the adult in the story I’m the only one who wants to use a tissue. 

My three year old son is quick to run his sleeve against his face after he sneezes leaving a disgusting trail of snot not only on his shirt but across his cheek.  When he see me approach with a tissue he either runs away or curls up into a ball hiding his face from me.

My 8 month old daughter not to be left out will sneeze and then giggle as she blows mucus bubbles out her nose.  When I pull out a tissue for her, she cannot escape.  This is not for lack of trying.  She alternates between flailing like a fish out of water and a super-dense limp noodle seeking to aid gravity in her quest to go from my lap to the floor.  (I do not drop the baby, she can try as hard to throw herself on her head as she likes, it’s not happening on my watch.)  When I finally succeed at cleaning her face she acts like her nose has been amputated.

Never mind the fact that my children can noticeably breathe better once my intervention is complete.  They think they don’t want it done.

Now this sort of struggle continues with damn near everything!

Other parents who have been there look on with sympathetic eyes and offer encouragement and tell me that I’m not alone.  People who have never had kids frequently look on as if I’m a Disney Villain on a quest to make my own children unhappy. (Which as far as quests go would be amazingly stupid. I mean I’m around them all day every day.  And you can just guess how much I enjoy the sound of screaming.)

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