Ok this one is going to be less on the literal side, and more on how it feels to be a sleep deprived mom.
and (hopefully obvious) disclaimer
The universe knows when I could really use a good night's sleep; and uses my baby to make sure that on these nights, I get as little rest as humanly possible. These are the nights when my son will start teething, have night terrors, get sick, or just want to play.
Last night was one such night. My son's bed time starts a few hours before mine, and that's normally just fine. Last night pregnancy symptoms were making me want to curl up into a little ball and retreat into the warm embrace of sleep.
As soon as I got as comfortable as I was going to get, my son awoke crying for milk. Ok fine, we get him a bottle and try to get back to bed. As soon as he is done with his bottle he climbs out of his bed and into mine. He is awake and ready to play... at 11pm.
Still nauseous I have to deal with my son wanting to use me as a jungle gym. My husband, sweet heart that he is tries to rescue me by picking up our son; who immediately starts crying because he can sense that he is not going to be getting his way tonight.
We try letting him play in his play pen. He doesn't want to be in there (with all his toys) and cries like he has been abandoned on a desert island. But we did not maroon him. We bring him back to bed, and he asks for more milk.
My husband and I know that this is a bad idea. We have seen this one before. If my son is allowed to over eat or drink, he will do so until he is sick and throw up. So we said no. And he cries most piteously.
This nightmare continues until my husband and I are guaranteed to get no more than 3 hours of sleep, by the time my son finally submits to sleep.
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