Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Burn out

Vacation.  Just about everyone would love to have a vacation.  But sometimes at the end of a vacation the sentiment becomes, "I need a vacation, to recover from my vacation!" which is decidedly different from wishing for a longer vacation.  When one wishes they could have a longer vacation the notion is more of the same please.  Where as with the notion of a vacation to recover from my vacation implies that your vacation was far from restful.  This has nothing to do with how enjoyable the vacation was, it's about whether or not you feel recharged by the end of it.

My husband had a week off and the first half of this vacation was very restful.  Sort of a "stay-cation" if you will.  We did activities in various neighboring cities, saw family and got things done that we had been meaning to get around to.  The second half of the vacation was the bit we had been planing for a year.  We were going to a convention and my husband was running an event on the final day.

On this second half of vacation our son was sick, I got injured and there was an incident with a fire alarm.  None of which was particularly enjoyable or relaxing.  That is not to say we failed to have a good time.  On the contrary we did a lot of things we enjoyed and spent much of the time with people we liked.  All the un-fun bits aside it was quite enjoyable.   And even now with my foot wrapped up in an ace bandage I look back on the convention with fond memories.

That said I am also more tired than usual and wish my husband didn't have to go back to work.  As stated in previous blog posts it's no fun being a care giver when you yourself could use some care.  It has been recommended to me that I keep weight off my foot but from where I'm sitting this feels like a suggestion that will be ignored out of necessity. 

I need a vacation, to recover from my vacation...

All I want is some more time with my husband at home.  Going out and doing things can be fun, but staying home is relaxing.  At least from my way of looking at it.

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