Saturday, May 17, 2014


So what should you expect when you go see your doctor while pregnant?

Drink some water before you get there as they will:

  • measure your blood pressure and weight
  • test your urine
  • check your baby's growth by measuring the size of your abdomen
  • listen to your baby's heart beat
  • possibly order more tests

More tests? Should I be worried?
No! Stay calm worrying never helps. Many tests are optional. So only do them if you feel like you want them.
Blood tests can be done to screen for possible ailments for mother and baby, while ultra sounds can give you and the doctor a look at how things are progressing with the baby.

These are all test I had done.

There were other tests that I decided to opt out of:

Amniocentesis tests for possible birth defects, but it is not a risk-free test.  Unlike the other test that I previously mentioned this test requires amniotic fluid. Information is nice to have but I do not feel like the risks associated with this test are worth it. Any test that has a chance of miscarriage is a test that I would be unwilling to take.  Imagine the heartbreak you would feel if the test came out normal but you lost the baby because of you took said test?

Always talk with your doctor and make an informed decision about which optional test you feel like taking.

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