Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day?

What to get mom on mother's day? A card? (hand made or store bought?) Flowers? (real or fake?) Chocolate? (the good stuff or the cheap kind?) Jewelry? (Macaroni or something fancy? ) A dining experience? (breakfast in bed? a picnic? That restaurant she likes?) Depending on how old you are and the relationship you have with your mom any of these could be good answers.

I'm sure this answer will change over time but what  I want, this year, is to be allowed to sleep in, and to have the time to start my day with a bubble bath.  Real big mommy luxuries I know, but hey I can dream.  Being a stay at home mom is harder than it looks and a couple of hours to myself would be most welcome.  I mean other jobs give you time off.

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So sleeping in wasn't a thing... and due to the fact that my son is teething, sleeping through the night wasn't a thing either.  But on the plus side my husband took over baby duties while I took a nice long bubble bath.  Which I got to say, was fantastic.

We had a lovely at home lunch with my my mom (who brought her dog) and brother.  So my son had fun with the dog.  Even though his fun mostly consisted of pointing and the dog and saying "dogdog", kind of cute that.

It was nice good food, pleasant company, and after we were done eating we even got to play a few games at the table.   All and all, I would call it a happy mother's day.

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