Thursday, April 24, 2014

Keeping it interesting

You have a baby. Fantastic!  So now what do you do?  Games of "where's the baby" aka Peek-a-boo only take so long.  So what can you do that is interesting for you and good for your baby too?

For starters get out of the house, go for a walk. Parks are a free way to get baby closer to nature.  And many libraries have some form of weekly story time you can take your child to. which can be a great way to meet other moms with kids the same age as yours, not to mention a chance for your child to see other kids.  And depending on what's near you, museums, aquariums, and zoos can be a fun way to shake things up.

Want time to read a book/ magazine/ newspaper/ what ever?  Try reading it out loud.  In the beginning it doesn't matter so much what you read, the thing that matters is that you read.

Whatever you do, don't forget that you and the baby are mobile.  Baby-packs, strollers & car-seats help you move baby along with you from point A to point B.  Most forms of public transit will allow a small child to ride free with a fair paying adult.  So get out there and seize the day.

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