You would think waking up early and skipping two out of three naps would make a child more than ready to go to sleep come bed time. You would be wrong. Skipping naps if anything seems to further ruin any hope you might have had at getting a full nights sleep.
I don't know how he does it. He will look tired. He will drink his customary warm milk and lay down. Then a sound happens, it could be my phone alerting me to a text it could be a car out side honking, or any other of a thousand sounds that might seem interesting to my son. Once he hears whatever noise he's allowed himself to get distracted by, it doesn't matter how close to falling asleep he was, he's awake now and impervious to any effort on my part to return him to the nap he is so eager to escape.
I've tried to make it clear that nothing interesting happens while he's napping. Hey sometimes I take those moments to enjoy a nap myself. Or whatever other mundane thing I would like to do but isn't really practical to do with an awake child at hand, who wants nothing more than to play.
After enduring a night that allowed only four hours of sleep, this pregnant mama, (yours truly) was looking forward to naptime as a chance to reclaim a few winks of sleep that had eluded me earlier.
No such luck. Without fail just as I feel myself slipping into the dream state my son wakes me up with demands for more milk. And so the tune goes all day. I know I don't fall asleep as quickly as some, but it saddens me, to be so close to getting what I want (some rest) and then not getting it.
I'm kind of sad about the nap I didn't get to take.
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